Text this phone number to get whatever tacos you want on demand, no hassle:
Text “TACO” to this number to get started.
Standard message & data rates may apply.
Text “TACO” to this number to get started.
Standard message & data rates may apply.
We have operators standing by 24/7 to answer every one of your requests. Send us a text message, and we’ll get you the tacos you want. We’ll order what you need from the restaurant of your choice and deal with them so you just automatically get the tacos you want.
Text us for the taco restaurant you want.
Enter your payment and delivery details.
Place your order with your phone via text.
Q: What kinds of tacos can I order through Taco Tuesdays?
Any tacos you want. Seriously. Just try it.
Q: How quickly will I get tacos after requesting it?
As soon as humanly possible.
Q: How much does it cost?
It’s completely free. When you order tacos, we’ll let you know the price so you can confirm it first before being billed. There are no hidden fees, and tip is automatically included.
Q: How do you charge me and know where to deliver?
The first time you use Taco Tuesdays, we’ll ask for your credit card info, your address, etc. After that, we know who you are and everything’s on automatic.
Q: How do you guarantee that my credit card number is safe and secure?
We will send you a 256-bit encrypted HTTPS link via SMS that you can click to enter your credit card number. We do not store your credit card number. All payment processing is handled by Stripe.
Q: Do you accept Bitcoin?
Yes, of course.
Q: Where is Taco Tuesdays available?
We’re currently expanding our service aggressively throughout the United States.
When using the 85599 short code, reply HELP for help and STOP to cancel.
Taco Tuesdays is a service provided by fellow taco aficionados in Las Vegas, Nevada.